Description These two programs allow you to adjust the fire of a field artillery weapon to hit a stationary or moving target. You specify the number of degrees of elevation of your weapon; 45 degrees provides maximum range with values under or over 45 degrees providing less range.

GUNNER is the simpler of the two programs and gives you up to ten shots to destroy the enemy before he destroys you. Gun range is fixed at 46,500 yards, burst radius at 100 yards; you must specify elevation within approximately 0.2 degrees to get a hit.

GUNERl is more complex and allows you to specify the speed at which your target is moving (but not direction!), and your burst radius. Also, your gun has a different maximum range randomly determined each play.

Source GUNNER: Tom Kloos Oregon Museum of Science and Industry Portland, Oregon 97200 115 GUNER1: Original author unknown. Converted by students at: Lexington High School Lexington, MA 02173

Elevation (1 to 89 degrees)
